The explanation is below, but here is the plugin:
l4d2_ai_damagefix (source/github).
Version: 1.0.8
What does it do?
- Replicate skeet mechanics on AI hunters.
- Negate the damage nerf on charging AI chargers.
- Negate damage by scratches from stumbling AI SI.
Okay, so you may have noticed that AI hunters are 'harder to skeet' and that it is practically impossible to level AI chargers. First it made me believe I was, apparently, really bad at leveling and skeeting; then I just got annoyed at the difference between AI/human SI. The times that I really hate it is when someone sends in an AI charger/hunter before getting tank, and I forget / don't think about it.
Regardless of whether it's annoying or problematic, it's just dumb and inconsistent that there is an unintuitive difference at all between to otherwise generally undistinguishable events. It's also definitely intentional, which is weird. It's also dumb that AI can scratch while stumbling, but that's probably unintentional.
So I wrote a 'fix' that simply makes hunters and chargers take damage in the same way that their human counterparts would. The fix also negates any damage done by stumbling SI.
So you don't get tripped up trying to skeet/level AI infected in a versus match. Also, so you can actually do real skeet and level training with bot SI. Mostly though it's just to remove unnecessary, unintuitive and annoying inconsistencies. It has also been a 'research project' for me, since I wanted to find out what was going on with the AI and damage handling in general.
Cool Information
Code: [Select]
Shotgun blasts are handled per pellet. This means that each pellet has its own distance scaling,
hitgroup multiplier, et cetera.
The damage is then rounded to floor: whether a hit does 1.1 or 1.9 damage, it only hits for 1
This also means that damage is *rounded* per pellet! Three pellets doing 3.4 damage each
will only do 9 damage in total. They don't get added up as 10.2 and then rounded to 10,
but do 3 times 3 damage in sequence (which I think is kind of dumb, but ok).
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